GIF: Graphics Interchange Format

This bitmap format supports up to 8 bits per pixel which limits its color palette to 256. Not good for photographs an are mostly known these days for simply animated memes. GIFs are not huge players in the web design world. 

  Sticker  StickerSpongeBob SquarePants GIF  StickerV5MT funny lol laughing text Sticker stars glitter sparkle bling effects StickerTrap Bob StickerTrap Bob StickerWhats Up GIFTrap Bob StickerEmotional GIFEnergy StickerTrap Bob StickerBird GIFCancelled StickerTrap Bob StickerTrap Bob StickerTrap Bob StickerHello Kitty StickerSTORKS GIFAngel StickerText StickerASPCA GIFSmile StickerTrap Bob StickerDate StickerNap Time Sticker

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